Tuesday, June 2, 2009

San Francisco

After viewing some of my photos from the city, a client approached me seeking a photo package of San Francisco. The images are for a travel piece in a European publication. They didn't want me to shoot a travel piece, yet go through my archives and make an edit showing the people and architecture of San Francisco, as I saw it while working as a documenatry photographer. This is what I put together.

Autumn Moon Festival, Chinatown

St. Mary's Cathedral

Dia de los Muertos, Mission District

Folsom Street Fair, SOMA District

Pillow Fight, Ferry Building

Bluegrass Festival, Golden Gate Park

Red Bull Soap Box Derby, Dolores Park

Luv Fest, Downtown

Bay-To-Breakers, Panhandle

Fishermans Warf

North Beach

May Day, Civic Center


tangobaby said...

These are really wonderful images.

Me: said...

These are awesome, cuz - each one provokes something very San Francisco, and I'm seeing way more than meets the eye.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I stumbled upon your site through Burn and would like to tell you how impactful those images are on your photo essay Children of Lead. I wish you all the best in getting the support you need to fund it. You're doing a noble thing to speak out for thos poor people livin in those shitty condition. Keep it up.