Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mis Primeras Fotos

Here are a few photos from my first days in Mexico. I havn't been shooting much but just having a good time hanging around with a great bunch of people. In this order, a photo from the streets outside the house I am staying in, second from the open market central de abastos, third from one of my many metro rides, fourth from xochimlco a nice place outside the city and the last from a super cool idie bar where I saw my first mexican concert. I am in the begining process of starting a story but thus far have been trying to just have a good time with the many great shooters down here drinking cerveza and eating tacos. mas pronto. chau.


Unknown said...

Hi Brother, I cant wait to see more photos and hear your stories. I love you.

mustafah said...

dude, the water shot is killer