Monday, May 11, 2009

Went out to climb in the East Bay Sunday May 10th, 2009. Just went out to chill with my good friend Jeremy and took the camera along. He's one of the sickest climbers I have had the pleasure to witness and he's always pushing me to new limits on the wall. This summer, since I am staying in California I am going to split my time between climbing in the sierras and working weekends in the bay area. Recently I have become more focussed on shooting climbing and surfing and I think it's about time to make it happen. Nothing is better then escaping the city life to enjoy natures beauty in it's essence. It's a feeling that I have held onto since childhood and one that I will never let go of. When all else fails, go climb a rock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truly wonderful images. You should post more often.